all postcodes in HR1 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR1 2AA 9 6 52.056719 -2.715724
HR1 2AB 9 6 52.056322 -2.715792
HR1 2AE 1 1 52.05669 -2.715986
HR1 2AJ 5 4 52.056877 -2.714824
HR1 2AQ 1 1 52.056488 -2.716668
HR1 2AR 3 3 52.058138 -2.712917
HR1 2AZ 1 1 52.058015 -2.712405
HR1 2BB 19 8 52.058109 -2.711852
HR1 2BD 12 8 52.058501 -2.71091
HR1 2BE 1 1 52.058236 -2.711533
HR1 2BG 18 6 52.059176 -2.709303
HR1 2BJ 4 3 52.05879 -2.709135
HR1 2BL 1 1 52.058045 -2.709065
HR1 2BN 12 0 52.05873 -2.707194
HR1 2BP 26 17 52.057951 -2.711237
HR1 2BQ 4 4 52.05881 -2.705841
HR1 2BS 2 1 52.057387 -2.712236
HR1 2BT 31 10 52.056907 -2.712825
HR1 2DA 21 0 52.057281 -2.714916
HR1 2DB 7 7 52.057079 -2.714155